
A collection of designs created for different clients.

Styleframes and Concepts.

At the start of every project, whether for a confirmed job, a pitch, or a self-initiated animation, one of the first steps is always creating concept images and styleframes. These frames act both as a guide for the art direction of the film and as a concrete visual to refer to as the steps to follow delve into wireframe renders and blocking passes. It always helps to have a few polished images to look at knowing where you are aiming to end up.

The process of creating styleframes is one of my favorite. It blends the best parts of art direction and pure creation in 3D. An open road, a simple mandate, and a world of possibilities. Often times, the timelines are short, sometimes even frenetic. A few days to come up with a concept, build, light, and render in 3D and gather everything together in a cohesive deck. A good set of styleframes provides a bold vision for a unique direction. It is the time to try new things and to sell the client on why those new things will be a success. Below I have included a selection of different styleframes I have created over the years for a variety of clients and for personal projects.

A set of styleframes to pitch on the art direction for a brand film. | Created for Curator Pictures

A self initiated project to create a deck of designs for a brand animation about Yamazaki.

Styleframe set for a client pitching on a medical animation showing the lungs being overtaken by sickness.

Set of styleframes created for a pitch on a video game event graphics package. | Created for The New Blank

A self initiated project to create a deck of designs for a shoe animation.

A set of styleframes centered around the title of a concept television show. | Created for Loaded Pictures

A set of product renders for a holiday advertisement.




The Chemist